Friday, November 16, 2007

Barnes Family

Friday, November 16, 2007

We are in the final stretch of school. Rusty is almost done, this is his last semester of school and it's off to do student teaching this spring. We can hardly wait! Gracee is 2 1/2 months shy of being 3 she acts like she's 12. She's our little drama quenn. She loves to drive her jeep and go shopping. When we're loading up the car to go she tells me, " mommy I drive my jeep shopping -k-" then she'll go get in her jeep with her purse and sunglasses in hand thinking she's going to drive her jeep shopping (her jeep is parked in the garage.) She now has a pretty straight shot when she parks her jeep, she drive right in between the two cars and runs into the wall to park it. She does a pretty good job never hitting the cars, just the wall. Brock is now 7 months old and cutting his bottom teeth. He's a bit of a terror but we love him anyway.