Thursday, April 10, 2008

Super Sleuths

Brock's first haircut

Brock had his first haircut last week. He totally had a "Fo-Hawk". Not that it wasn't cute but I desided to buzz it off. He looks very handsome!

Gracee was supposed to go to school today with my niece for CTE class I have no idea what it means. I would guess something like child devolopment. She was ready to go with her Super Sleuths backpack, some cheap old thing I got for being a member of Scholastic. When we got there we were a day early! Carley, my niece, told me on Monday that she needed Gracee for Friday I wrote it down and everything. Well last night Rusty tells me that Carley stopped by on Tuesday to have him sign a waiver and she told him Thursday. So he made darn sure I remembered it was Thursday and not Friday with a couple of phone calls this morning. I knew last night that I should have called Carley but I thought I'll just take his word for it. Yeap, I won't be doing that again! So tomorrow we will go through the process again of getting her ready and HAVING to take the "Super Sleuths" back pack. If any of you watch the Disney channel Super Sleuths are the "new" Whinny the Pooh cartoons and she loves them. I'll post her pictures later. I'm still trying to figure this out and it won't let me load the pics below this text so I'll post this then post the pics!

Monday, April 7, 2008

We're finally done!

Russ finished his student teaching 2 weeks ago. No more tuition!!! And the search is on for a job in a high school teaching history and coaching baseball. My computer is still struggling so that's why there's so little on this blog. I was only able to get one picture to download so Gracee is the only one on here. I promise we'll be getting a new computer soon and I'll be more on the ball with the blogging, and picture sending. Brock will be 1 on the 18 th and he is still NOT CRAWLING!!! He's definatley putting in an effort which is good, but heaven sakes lets just crawl already! He hasix teeth and is working one 7 & 8 only two on the bottom and the rest are on the top, Poor little dude! We buzzed his hair off on Friday, he looks more manly now. After it was done Gracee said to me, "mommy Brock looks beautiful!" it was too cute. We're trying to teach her that boys are handsome so now she's a little confused and says she wants to be handsome too.